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Guide to Digital Resources: Home

Guide to using digital resources

When using digital resources in studying, teaching and research, follow the terms of use of the resource and other good reference practices. You must always cite the creator and source of all images and other resources.

Publicly available online resources

  • Resources that are available publicly online are generally protected by copyright, which is why you should not automatically copy and reuse them. Instead of copying, you may link to, quote, or cite the resource.
  • Images and other resources shared with a Creative Commons license can be copied and used according to the conditions of the license.

Licensed electronic resources

  • Turku UAS has acquired licensed electronic resources for teaching, studying, and research. You can search for the resources in Turku UAS Finna.
  • Do not copy! Instead of copying the articles and other resources, use the link provided.
  • If you need an article or other resources that are not included in the Turku UAS library collection, contact the library and make an acquisition suggestion.

Materials you have made yourself

  • Remember to also mention the creator in your own materials. If you have written a text and used photographs you have taken yourself, add your information to the beginning or the end of the material. For example: Text and images: Forename Surname.

Copying license from Kopiosto

  • In some cases you can copy text and images from publicly available websites after you have acquired a permission to copy from the Finnish copyright organisation Kopiosto. Report the material you have used in Kopiosto’s reporting service.
  • Primarily use licensed e-resources acquired by Turku UAS, and images and other resources shared with a Creative Commons license.

Copyright information available online

About the guide

This guide helps you use digital resources provided by Turku UAS. Here you can find answers to e.g. the following questions: How can publicly available online resources be used? How should licensed articles and other e-resources be linked to e.g. Itslearning? What kind of terms and conditions do e-resources have?

Do you need help?

Contact the Turku UAS Library through an online form or by email

We are happy to help you!

Usage rights of the guide

   This resource has been licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. It does not apply to photos or videos unless otherwise stated.