Siirry pääsisältöön

Guide to Digital Resources: User rights of e-resources

Responsible use of electronic resources

The library provides you with a diverse collection of databases, e-books, e-journals, and other e-resources. All resources are available via the Turku UAS Finna either by using the search function or by browsing the database list. Before using e-resources, please read through the user rights that define:

  • Who can use e-resources
  • What purposes you are allowed to use the e-resources
  • Whether copying, printing, or saving parts of the material is allowed

On this page you can find general user rights that apply to most electronic resources. However, the user rights of individual e-resources may vary. Please check the user rights of individual e-resources by clicking on the blue icon attached to the resouce descriptions in the alphabetical database list (list title is in Finnish: Tietokannat aakkosittain).

Who can use electronic resources?

Turku UAS e-resources can be used for studying, teaching, and research purposes:

  • Turku UAS students and staff have access inside the Turku UAS network and off campus with Turku UAS credentials
  • Other library patrons have access from customer computers in every campus library. Some e-resources are only available for Turku UAS students and staff

Common user rights for electronic resources

What is usually allowed:

  • Browsing the material and searching for information
  • Copying, printing or saving search results or individual articles for personal use in reasonable amounts
  • Sharing an individual copy of an article or a part of the material to the personal use of another person
  • Adding links to e-resources in study materials used in teaching at TUAS (non-commercial use)

What is usually not allowed:

  • Exploiting the resources or parts of them for commercial purposes
  • Printing or copying entire works (for example e-books) 
  • Copy articles or other materials e.g. to Itslearning
  • Using software for automatic searching and scraping/harvesting data from e-resources
  • Distributing, selling, publishing or modifying resources

NOTE: User rights vary depending on the e-resource. Please check the user rights of individual e-resources by clicking on the blue icon attached to the resource descriptions in the alphabetical database list (list title is in Finnish: Tietokannat aakkosittain).

Be careful!

You have a responsibility to use electronic resources according to the user rights. When using e-resources you accept the terms and conditions.

About the guide

This guide helps you use digital resources provided by Turku UAS. Here you can find answers to e.g. the following questions: How can publicly available online resources be used? How should licensed articles and other e-resources be linked to e.g. Itslearning? What kind of terms and conditions do e-resources have?

User rights of individual e-resources

Check the user rights of individual e-resources by clicking on the blue icon .

Usage rights of the guide

   This resource has been licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. It does not apply to photos or videos unless otherwise stated.