EBSCO will update its user interface 7th January 2025. The change applies to all EBSCOhost databases. My EBSCOhost accounts and things saved in it remains.
Check out the new interface. Instructions can be found on the EBSCO website:
Monialainen kokoteksti- ja viitetietokanta. Aihealueina mm. yhteiskuntatieteet, sosiaalitieteet, ympäristötieteet, tekniikka, luonnontieteet, lääketiede ja terveystieteet sekä humanistiset tieteet ja taide. -- Multidisciplinary full text and reference database in social sciences, environmental science, technology and engineering, natural sciences, medicine and health sciences, humanities and art.
The guide to Accessibility of e-resources provides information on e-accessibility features, e.g. listening to e-books and e-articles.