All databases and other e-resources acquired for Turku UAS students and staff are available via Turku UAS Finna. Search for databases by title or browse e-resources. The most essential databases in arts and culture are listed in this guide.
Monialainen kokoteksti- ja viitetietokanta. Aihealueina mm. yhteiskuntatieteet, sosiaalitieteet, ympäristötieteet, tekniikka, luonnontieteet, lääketiede ja terveystieteet sekä humanistiset tieteet ja taide. -- Multidisciplinary full text and reference database in social sciences, environmental science, technology and engineering, natural sciences, medicine and health sciences, humanities and art.
Klassisen musiikin verkkopalvelu. Sisältää konsertteja, oopperaa ja balettia sekä livenä että tallenteina. Lisäksi palvelu tarjoaa mestarikursseja ja dokumenttielokuvia. -- Classical music streaming service. Provides concerts, opera, ballet, master classes, documentary films and live concerts.
You can search films made by Turku UAS media students in the National service. Use keywords taideakatemia AND turku and choose content type Video.
The information is provided by National Audiovisual Institute of Finland. Note that information is not all-inclusive.
Turku UAS students and staff have a right to use electronic resources acquired by Turku UAS in studying, teaching, and research. Students and staff have a responsibility to follow the user rights. User rights define the terms and conditions for printing, saving, presenting, and distributing e-resources. User rights for an individual resource can be found under the § button in the User rights of individual e-resources list below.
This guide has information resources for arts and culture.
Take a closer look at the relevant resources specific to your studies, but keep in mind that other subject guides might also prove to be useful. Tips on information seeking are also provided.
This resource has been licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. It does not apply to photos or videos unless otherwise stated.