Theses include Bachelor's and Master's theses published by universities of applied sciences as well as Master's and Licentiate theses, as well as doctoral dissertations published by universities. On this page, you can find information on how to find theses in different databases.
Theseus is an Open Access thesis repository providing you with online access to theses from Finnish universities of applied sciences. Browse theses by organisation, field of study, or use the search option.
Turku UAS theses published from 2008 on are available through Theseus. Printed Turku UAS theses are available for borrowing at campus libraries. All theses (both electronic and printed) completed at Turku UAS can be searched for in Turku UAS Finna search service.
We are happy to help you locate any Turku UAS theses.
Theses from Finnish universities can be found from:
This guide has information resources for arts and culture.
Take a closer look at the relevant resources specific to your studies, but keep in mind that other subject guides might also prove to be useful. Tips on information seeking are also provided.
Theses and publications of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences online.
The national search service contains resources from Finnish higher education libraries, public libraries, museums, and archives. Use to look for theses from different universities in Finland.
This resource has been licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. It does not apply to photos or videos unless otherwise stated.