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Health Care: Databases

Databases and Finna

All databases and other e-resources acquired for Turku UAS students and staff are available via Turku UAS Finna. Search databases by title or browse e-resources. The most essential databases in health care are also listed in this guide.

A collection of health care databases

Controlled vocabularies in health care databases

Controlled vocabularies or thesauri and subject terms are great search tools. The essential databases in health care use MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) or CINAHL Subject Headings for describing their publications. Using subject terms in searches often help give more relevant results.

Controlled vocabularies/thesauri and subject terms in general.

Search with both subject terms and your own search terms for best results.

Medical Subject Headings or MeSH are used in the following databases:

PubMed  > MeSH, Medical Subject Headings 

MEDLINE (Ovid) > you can find terms two ways:

  • choose Advanced Search and select Map Term to Subject Heading
  • scroll subject terms by selecting Search Tools > Map Term

Cochrane Library > You can find the thesaurus by selecting Advanced Search from the upper right corner >  Medical terms (MeSH)

JBI COnNECT Clinical Online Network of Evidence for Care and Therapeutics (Ovid)  > You can find subject terms by selecting Search Tools > Tree

  • not all references have subject terms

CINAHL Complete database uses its own thesaurus > choose CINAHL Headings at the top of the page.

SFS Online

User rights of e-resources

Turku UAS students and staff have a right to use electronic resources acquired by Turku UAS in studying, teaching, and research. Students and staff have a responsibility to follow the user rights. User rights define the terms and conditions for printing, saving, presenting, and distributing e-resources. User rights for an individual resource can be found under the § button in the User rights of individual e-resources list below.

Health Care subject guide


In this guide you will find information resources in health care, nursing, emergency care and midwifery.

Take a closer look at the relevant resources specific to your studies, but keep in mind that other subject guides might also prove to be useful. Tips on information seeking are also provided.

Turku UAS Finna search


Find books, e-books, databases, journals, e-journals, theses, music, films.

More on information seeking

Dictionaries and subject terms

Usage rights of the guide

   This resource has been licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. It does not apply to photos or videos unless otherwise stated.