Accessibility Library Celia belongs to the administrative sector of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, and it produces and distributes literature in accessible formats, for example audiobooks and e-books, for people with print disabilities. Celia’s services are available to all who find reading regular books difficult due to reading or learning difficulties or due to a physical disability. More information on Celia's primary customers. Celia also collaborates with university libraries producing, for example, accessible textbooks. Celia produces yearly circa 30% of all published literature and nonfiction into accessible form including audiobooks and books in braille.
If you are dyslexic and you study in a Finnish university or university of applied sciences, you can borrow textbooks for free from Celia. To borrow and use Celia’s online services you first need to be registered as a user through your campus library.
As of now, there are over 40,000 different audiobooks online available in their collection for registered users.
See terms of use for private customers of Accessibility Library Celia on Celianet.
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