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Creating an e-resource link to Turku UAS study materials: Home

Linking to e-resources - what and why?

Use the the e-resources Turku UAS has acquired for learning, teaching, and in online learning environments. Instead of copying, downloading, or sharing documents directly it is best to use hyperlinks to online materials because:

  • E-resources may have use restrictions for downloading or sharing articles.
  • Using hyperlinks to link to the e-resources you will make sure you will always use the latest updated version of the resource.
The library can help you create links that work! Please contact us by sending an email to library(a)

NOTE: Licensed e-resources should not be linked just by copying the address from the address bar of the browser. These links will not work later, because they might include session specific details. Please note that links copied directly from the address bar may not work when opened outside the Turku UAS network. On this page you can find instructions on how to create links that work.

Linking to different types of e-resources

Databases and other e-resources

1. Use the Finna search or browse databases in Finna to find the database you need.
2. Click on the name of the database to open the record.
3. Copy the address from the address bar and share the link. Other users can now access Finna and see the resource details by following this link. To open the database, click on Database interface.

Tip! Use Finna to create resource lists. Log in to Finna, search for the database you need and click on the Save to List pin icon. The record is added to your favourites and you can find the list under your Finna account. To share your favourites, click on Your lists, choose Visibility: Public and share the link to others.

E-books and e-journals

1. Search for the e-book or e-journal in Finna.
2. Click on the title to open the record.
3. Copy the address from the address bar to share the link. Other users can now access Finna and see the resource details by following this link. To open the e-book or e-journal, click on the link provided in the resource details.


Tip! Use Finna to create resource lists. Log in to Finna, search for the database you need and click on the Save to List pin icon. The record is added to your favourites and you can find the list under your Finna account. To share your favourites, click on Your lists, choose Visibility: Public and share the link to others.


Linking to articles in database interfaces

1. Use the Turku UAS Finna search or browse databases to find the database you need and open the database interface. Search for the article you need.

2. Copy the article address: If the article has a permanent address such as a DOI, URN, permalink, or permanent URL, use it. If you cannot find a permanent address, copy the address from the browser's address bar.

3. To ensure off-campus access, add the Turku UAS EZProxy address before the permalink or the address you have copied from the address bar. When you do this, the user will be directed to the Haka Login page and can access the material even outside the Turku UAS network.

4. Check that the link works and share the link.

Example: Turku UAS remote access server address + permalink. By using this link the user will be redirected to the article automatically.

NOTE: When creating links outside the Turku UAS network, the link automatically includes the EZProxy address, so you do not need to add it. 

Linking to articles using SFX link resolver

In different article databases you may notice a Find It icon  or an SFX symbol  (in Google Scholar: Fulltext - Turku UAS). SFX is a link resolver that the library uses that you can use to create up-to-date links.

How to create links to articles with the SFX link resolver:

1. Go to Turku UAS Finna's Search international articles, Google Scholar, or a database's own search engine and create a search.

2. Look for the Find It icon in your search results. When you click on the icon it will open the SFX link resolver window. The same article may be available through several databases.

3. Create your link in the SFX window by clicking on Tee linkki aineistoon - Create a short link (see below).

4. Copy the link under the heading Lyhytlinkki (20 merkkiä) (tiny url, 20 characters) and share it (see below).

More information about searching for articles in the Guide to Article Search.


User rights of e-resources

Turku UAS students and staff have a right to use electronic resources acquired by Turku UAS in studying, teaching, and research. Students and staff have a responsibility to follow the user rights. User rights define the terms and conditions for printing, saving, presenting, and distributing e-resources. User rights for an individual resource can be found under the § button.

Do you need help? 

Contact the Turku UAS Library with an online form or by email

We are happy to help you!

Usage rights of the guide

Creative Commons -lisenssi   This resource has been licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Doesn't apply to photos or videos unless otherwise stated.